Hello Girlfriend of FemmeCon,
Just a quick update to let you know that we’ve had a few developments in the background over the last little while outside our control which means we’re having to reschedule FemmeCon.
We are absolutely devastated but in true FemmeCon spirit, we are already hustling our bums off to secure another date.
As we are heading into the busy season (Spring Racing Carnival, Xmas and New Years) there is a chance it might happen early next year instead but please be assured the event will go on and we will keep you updated as it unfolds. Once we confirm the new date, it will be all systems go once again.
If you’ve bought a ticket and would like a refund, please email chiquita@femmecon.co otherwise your ticket will remain valid for the new date.
Thank you again so much for your support and understanding. We love you!
Love Chiquita and Shani
At the core of our mission lies and the unwavering commitment to take BOLD action. That’s precisely why FemmeCon 2023 stands as a vibrant tribute to the brilliance and talent of remarkable women demonstrating their own brand of entrepreneurial spirit.
At FemmeCon 2023, we celebrate and connect women showcasing their own flavour of entrepreneurial spirit and where we bring women together who are self-employed so we can support each other and help build a thriving feminine economy.
If you are a UGC creator, come along to connect with brands who might need UGC and you walk away with new clients. You might also meet some other UGC Creators who you build friendships with or do collabs with for clients in the future. Learn from the UGC Creator panel on how they built their business, gain insight and new industry knowledge to apply to your own UGC journey.
If you a product or service based business owner, you might come along and meet new clients as you’ll be meeting women who might need your product and/or service. You will also meet other women who own businesses, whom you can learn from and grow with. They might also refer other women to you. Remember it’s not about who you meet but also about who they know.
E-commerce business owners, come along and learn from our e-commerce panel of women who are kicking ass. Meet other e-commerce business owners, share tips and tricks, tell other women about your products and share your socials with them. Christmas is coming up and women control 95% of the household spend (they also buy all the gifts)!
Life and business coaches, you will be walking into a room full of your target market. Women like working with other women and you might walk away not only with new clients, but also future invitations to other coaching events, new coaching networks and future opportunities.
If you are an Influencer, you might meet women who own businesses who will want to hire you to promote their brand to your audience. You might gain new followers from the women you meet and who will buy the products you promote in the future.
And lastly, if you are self-employed in any way and have been struggling with direction, motivation, feeling lost and adrift and need help, maybe you’ll meet a coach or a mentor in the audience who can help you. Maybe you’ll connect with a speaker. There are so many opportunities for any woman who is self-employed to benefit from being in this room on this day.
We are bringing women together who are self-employed so we can support them and help build a thriving feminine economy. Come with an open mind and expect to meet new clients and do business with other women.
Join us at FemmeCon 2023, where we encourage you to “Be Bold and Take Action,” unlocking a future that’s limited only by your comfort zone.
Table of 10 - $2500 inc GST - please provide the list of names at checkout and dietary requirements. Email chiquita@femmecon.co if you have any questions. Invoices can be provided for businesses.
We’re dedicated to making you a part of a truly unique and progressive experience. Together, within our FemmeCon community, we aim to proactively support women just like you to step into and embrace your full force feminine power.
If you’d like to volunteer on the day please click on the below to register your interest.
We understand you might have questions so please check our FAQs to find out more information about parking, public transport and dietary requirements.
Power. Perspective. Permission-free living. Get it all in Femme Confidential.
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